Request For Contractor Information

Company Name:  

Owners Name: (Required)
Additional Owners include Titles:  
Type of Business Entity:  
Contractor Number:      Name on License:  
Years at Present Location:      Former Location if Less Than 4yrs:  
Employees on Payroll:      Workers Compensation Number:  
Insurance Policy Number and Exp-Date:      Insurance Agent:  
Amount and Number of Builders Bond:      Bond Insurance Agent:  
Mailing Address:  
City:         State or Prov: 
Postal/Zip:       Country:  
Phone Number:      Fax Number:  
Email: (Required)
How did you hear about Granby?
Regional Customer Base:  
List contacts and Dates of your Last Four Projects:  

If you do not hear from us within 1-2 days please recontact in case the form content has not reached us due to internet congestion etc.

Granby Post and Beam Homes
11300 Granby Rd.
Grand Forks, B.C.
Canada, V0H 1H0
Phone - 1-250-442-8124
Fax - 1-250-442-0614
Granby Post and Beam Homes
P.O. Box - 420
Danville, Washington
USA, 99121
Phone - 1-250-442-8124
Fax - 1-250-442-0614