Request For Additional Information

All personal information collected by Granby will be used solely as contact information by Granby - no information will be released to others.

Full Name: (Required) 

Mailing Address:  
City:         State or Prov: 
Postal/Zip:       Country:  
Phone Number:  

Email: (Required)

How did you hear about Granby?
When and where do you plan to build your new home?
What stage of property purchase are you at?
Will you be your own general contractor? No Yes
What approximate size of home are you planning to build, in square feet?
Basement area:      Main Floor Area:  
2nd Floor/Loft Area:      Garage:  

Is this going to be your: Main ResidenceSecond/Vacation home Investment Property
What is your overall building budget for the home - not including land and lot service costs?  
Are you ready to begin developing Plans?
Questions or comments:  

If you do not hear from us within 1-2 days please recontact in case the form content has not reached us due to internet congestion etc.

Granby Post and Beam Homes
11300 Granby Rd.
Grand Forks, B.C.
Canada, V0H 1H0
Granby Post and Beam Homes
P.O. Box - 420
Danville, Washington
USA, 99121

Phone - 1-250-442-8124